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The Mask 鬼面 love's enduring power beyond the grave
A human girl awakens a demon residing in a temple, and they fall in love. Tragically, the demon sacrifices his life in battle to protect her. With his last breath, he leaves her his mask. The girl wears the mask and transforms into a stone statue within the temple, mirroring the demon's fate.
This film unfolds like a visual poem, segmented into four chapters to guide the narrative.
This story resonates Remember by Christina Rossetti, so I use it to guide the story.
Softwares: Cinema4D, Redshift, Substance Painter, After Effects, Premiere.

Director, Producer, Designer: Siqi Fu
Composer: Zac McNeil
SFX: Kyle Miller
USC Cinematic Arts | 2023
2min 30s
Intro - memory of the war
Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.

=I use blood tear to imply the relationship between this human girl and the owner of the mask - the demon.
Chapter 1 - Encounter
Remember me when no more day by day,
You tell me of our future that you planned:

Chapter 2 - Love
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve

Chapter 3 - War
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had

Chapter 4 - Memorialize
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

=The girl wears the mask and becomes him - a statue.
Early Concept
Character Design

Costume Pattern Design


Style test

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